Stamps of the Caribbean Prehistoric animals - 3 different sets - Mint 3 differet sets with 8 stamps from Kiribati, Nauru, Solomon Islands 8 € 00 No. 53931 € 30 00 No. 54433 Carribbean countries - 650 different stamps This packet contains approx. 90% mint stamps. Max. 10% small- sized stamps. There are issues from approx. 20 different countries, max. 10% from one country € 65 Cancelled 25 No. 54631 Bahamas - 100 different stamps - Cancelled This packet contains 100 different cancelled stamps from the Bahamas. Jamaica - 9 different stamps Interesting collection of 3 different mint and 6 different cancelled Jamaica stamps from 1929-1981. The 3 mint stamps commemorate Bob Marley No. 54471 € 7 50 Bahamas 1988-1992 - MICHEL block 53+ 56+60+64+66 MICHEL catalogue value EUR 38. 5 mint souvenirsheets from Bahamas No. 64423 Mint € 9 63 Bahamas 2019 - MICHEL 1586-1601 MICHEL catalogue value EUR 45 No. 54381 Mint € 18 00 Carribbean - 9 differ- ent souvenir sheets This packet contains 6 mint and 3 cancelled souvenir sheets from 9 different countries. MICHEL catalogue value EUR 23 No. 54434 € 5 00
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